Kelley Buttrick is a female voiceover talent booked for a wide variety of work, including broadcast advertising, corporate, documentary, medical, promo and so much more. Sound Off On Sound is a blog covering observations from the perspective of a professional voice over talent.
Sound Off On Sound – Home Studio Checklist for VO Directors
How can you make sure the talent you selected delivers the sound they promise? Here are questions every VO Director should ask about a home studio.
Sound Off On Sound – Studio Beasts
A studio beast is any studio coworker or colleague that isn’t a person. I’ll be taking you for a walk through not only my Studio Beasts in reverse order, but that of sweet Marley the OG and other studio beasts I’ve encountered over the years.
Sound Off On Sound – Recording on the Road
We voice-over talents like to make it look easy to record on the road when we’re away from our professionally-equipped home studios. It’s not.
Sound Off On Sound – Male vs. Female Voice
Male or Female VO? This question comes across creatives’ emails every day. How to choose? Which is better? Well, read on…
How to Get a VO Talent to Sound Warm, Friendly & Approachable
Sounding warm, friendly, and approachable should be easy for voice talent, right? Actually, it’s not as easy as it sounds. Being asked to make someone else’s words sound like their own and with a warm, friendly, and approachable tone, can present a challenge.
Sound Off On Sound – Transportation
Sure, we voice talent like to not-so-humbly brag about the national automotive ads we do. Booking a car commercial VO is a big deal, but transportation voiceover has applications far beyond automotive.
Sound Off On Sound – Automotive
Like the cornucopia of car options available to buyers today, there is a huge variety of applications for voiceover in the automotive industry. Buckle up, and let’s take a road trip through some of them.
Sound Off On Sound – It’s Time for Holiday Creative
Even earlier than retailers, creatives have holiday campaigns in the works. No matter what holiday is being celebrated, many advertisers and marketing teams struggle to come up with something new for these cultural celebrations while others embrace traditional advertising messages.
Sound Off On Sound – Looking & Listening Back to 2022
Instead of choosing my three to five yearly VO favorites like always, I challenged myself to relate at least two to three 2022 work clips to each other in a sentence. Last year was chock full of television advertising, promos, corporate videos and even some character work.
Sound Off On Sound – Kelley Buttrick Interviews George Whittam for ProductionHUB
Ever book a VO talent with a “home studio” and end in disaster? In this interview for a story I wrote for ProductionHUB, audio guru George Whittam of George the Tech shares his top three things to look for when booking a voice actor with a home studio.
Sound Off On Sound – Commercial Voiceover
When talking to some of my new voice-over clients, I get asked a lot of questions that have shown their increasing frustration with the hiring process when looking for a voice actor. Here’s a collection of some of those questions and my answers looking at it from a voice actor’s…
Sound Off On Sound – Corporate
What is Corporate Narration? “Corporate” aka “Corporate Narration” encompasses just about any non-broadcast, for-profit businesses including: website videos, B2B sales tools, explainers, how-tos, eLearning, employee communications, consumer-facing videos, event...
Sound Off On Sound – Conversational
It’s safe to say that 98% of the specs given on every audition these days is one of the following: Real Person, Not an Announcer, Genuine, Authentic, Believable, Talking to a friend, Heartfelt. Consumers are over being talked at, and creatives know it. To cut through the messages bombarding…
Sound Off On Sound – Promo
What Are Voice Over Promos? Promos are short voice over messages interspersed between clips of television shows, and essentially are teasers or trailers attempting to capture a viewers attention. For many of us who voice promos, the trickiest part of this work is the...
Sound Off On Sound – eLearning
What is eLearning? In its strictest definition, eLearning is defined as, “learning conducted via electronic media, typically on the Internet.” Other terms for eLearning include: online learning, distance learning, online training, virtual learning, virtual training,...
Sound Off On Sound – Medical, Pharmaceutical, Provider Facing, MOA, ISI, etc.
Medical Narration Medical and pharmaceutical narrations require voice over talent to sound much more educated than they probably are. It’s one of the reasons I love voicing complex medical projects…it makes me sound smart. While I only have a bachelor’s degree in...
Sound Off On Sound – Documentary, Docuseries, Show Narration, Branded Doc, etc.
What Does Documentary Style Mean in Voiceover? Documentary style narration is exactly what you’d expect. It’s documenting a story, a fact, an event, etc. Documentary/docu series/in-show narration is a subtle genre requiring a balance of different voice tones within...
Sound Off On Sound – Live Announce, Virtual Event VO, VOG
Live Announcer Voicing live is a rush, just ask any radio on-air personality. I’ve done both live events and radio, and trust me, live event announcing is its own wild and wonderful animal. In the industry, an event announcer is often called VOG (Voice of God) since...
Sound Off On Sound – Inner Monolog
What Does Inner Monolog Mean? The voice in your head when you talk to yourself is what an inner monologue is, and it’s a style of VO that is gaining in popularity as consumers are being hit with messages quite literally in their heads via headphones and ear...
Sound Off On Sound – Healthcare
What is Healthcare Voice Over? Healthcare spans a wide scope of clients including hospitals, medical practices, specialty clinics, long-term care facilities, rehabilitation clinics, urgent care centers, veterinary clinics, alternative medicine centers, and sometimes...
Sound Off On Sound – Explainer
What is an Explainer Video? An explainer does exactly what its title suggests: It explains something. Many times, an explainer video is animated, sometimes presented as a hand drawn or doodle video. In general, the tone is casual, conversational and real. On the other...
Easy to Book Your VO Project
Work directly with me or through any of my agents.
I also have a handy dandy booking calendar where you can look at my availability and book time for your session.