Inspired by the brand itself, professional voiceover talent Kelley Buttrick went off-road, veering from her smooth road paved with great agents and repeat clients to adopt the Jeep approach: Go Anywhere, Do Anything.
#KB4Jeep is a one-of-a-kind marketing effort to prove to Jeep that Kelley Buttrick is the voice of any terrain. How does it end? We don’t know yet, but we’re hoping it’s happy.
Jeep meet Kelley. Kelley… Well, she already knows Jeep.
Meet professional voice talent, Kelley Buttrick, and in 60 seconds learn why she is the ideal addition to the roster of voices telling the Jeep story.
She Can’t. She Won’t. She Shouldn’t. She Did.
Why is Kelley the “Jeep” of the voiceover industry? Take a moment to find out in this short video.
It’s Genetic
My love of Jeep? It’s a family tradition passed down from one generation to the next.
Jeep Hair? Don’t Care
Are you having a good hair day?
Jeep Grand Wagoneer… Who’s Your Mama?
You know who is most excited about the new Jeep Grand Wagoneer? Cool Moms. You know who gets booked regularly as a voice appealing to Cool Moms? Kelley Buttrick
Go Where Regrets Can’t Follow
She has the passion, but does Kelley have the creds?
A Jeep Chick
When Kelley received one of her biggest VO paydays, did she do the responsible thing or the fun thing?
Who Eats What For Breakfast?
Yes…Yes, she really did.
Hey Jeep, What Do Kelley’s Clients Say?
Hey Jeep, What Do Kelley’s Clients Think?
Roam & Ramble Blog
The Roam & Ramble blog was inspired by Kelley’s Jeep Wrangler. As she roams past various curiosities on her journeys, Kelley often wonders about them and decided to make a game of taking a shot that has to feature some piece of her Jeep. Then she rambles on a bit about whatever it is that has her wondering.
Never has a voiceover talent pursued a prospective client with a full-scale marketing campaign the magnitude of #KB4Jeep, and thankfully media outlets found that newsworthy. AdWeek called her crazy, and PR Daily asked her to write a How To on personal branding.
She’s been covered by the advertising, public relations and voice-over industries, Jeep-focused media as well as main stream publications.
Campaign US
PR Daily
FCA Authority
Athens Banner Herald
JK Forum
Silver Creative
Bob’s Blog
Online Athens Video
Voice Over Marketing Podcast
Voice Over Marketing Podcast
Jeep Talk Show
Speaking Human
Voice Over Body Shop
The Beginning and Evolution of KB4Jeep
Kelley Buttrick: A Voice for Any Terrain launched in July 2015 as a direct marketing campaign with 8 videos and 4 snail mail pieces all sent directly to Jeep/FCA marketing executives and decision makers at their affiliated advertising agencies.
After Jeep announced their #MyJeepStory effort in February 2016, Kelley’s campaign evolved into #KB4Jeep, a public social media blitz. In addition, our team continues to send snail mail and email communication pitches to Jeep/FCA powers that be and expanded our list of ad agency contacts as Jeep announced a new Agency of Record, DDB Chicago.
See Spark Go, an Athens-based PR firm, still runs the media pitching, and #KB4Jeep has been covered by AdWeek, PRDaily and numerous other publications and podcasts.
Forget a village. It’s taken an entire metropolis of creative, hard-working and very patient people to make this campaign happen!
After months of research, brainstorming and a flurry of emails back and forth between the digital marketing company, graphic designer, photographer, consultants, and Super-Intern, it was time to pull the trigger. Shooting days were crazy fun! Locations included forest trails, a local park, and even Kelley’s driveway. There’s a special dynamic when hiring people who are also friends. It’s magic.
Other than the tick Edwin found on his back after laying on the ground in the woods to set up a shot, no blood was shed and no one was hurt, but we sure had a lot of fun.
Why? (Straight from the VO’s Mouth)
When considering marketing strategies for 2015, I asked myself, what it was I really wanted. The answer? To voice for a brand I love, and I love Jeep.
This campaign is a passion project requiring me to not only manage a 6.4L HEMI V8 engine’s worth of moving parts, but also to balance that with my full-time job as a voiceover talent. Sure, it’s cost me money, but I’ve also invested countless hours, sleepless nights, and a huge chunk of my heart in doing something never before done in my industry.
Chatting with industry colleagues about it, people have said things like:
- “Are you really sure you want to try this?”
- “You’re crazy…good crazy, but definitely crazy.”
- “Can I hire you to do my marketing?”
The Team
- Talent Agent Representation: Jeffrey Umberger, Umberger Agency
- Photography: Pitter Productions
- Graphic Design: Notobella
- Audio Post and Male VO: Zak Miller, 50to1 Studios
- Original Digital Marketing Agency & Video Production: Prolifik
- Creative Consultation: Lisa Biggs, Ron Huey, Sara Waters, and Jim Spruell
- Super Intern: Paige Smith
- Grammar Guru: Allison Floyd
- Media Pitches: See Spark Go
- Website Redesign: MONSTERS Unlimited
- New Video Content Producers: Kelley Buttrick, Zak Miller, Mystery Joe
- Printing: Athens Printing
- Friends Willing to Share Their Talents and Lend a Hand: Dr. David Gaines, Ashley Harp Sheppard, Missy Minardi, John Spalding, Holly Craig, Brian John, Sam Hudson, Richard S. Hutchinson, and my awesome family

Easy to Book Your VO Project
Work directly with me or through any of my agents.
I also have a handy dandy booking calendar where you can look at my availability and book time for your session.