(706) 453-6005 kb@kbvoiceovers.com
Business Practice Playlist


Performed by: Foo Fighters
DJ: Corey Davis, Personal Trainer at Core Blend Training

Persistence Wins in Business and Fitness

Thank you Kelley for letting me answer a question about exercise and business on your blog! I’d like to get invited back so if you read this and like it, comment or share it so I get invited back again.

If you want to be successful in fitness, I don’t think there’s any better advice than to find a way to workout that you enjoy. The man you see running every morning when you drive by enjoys running. The woman that you see post about her fitness class every day enjoys it.

The best plan for your fitness is whatever plan you’ll stick to and do three to seven days a week. That’s the biggest secret I can possibly give you. If that means you’re in a gym, great. If that means you’re on a bike and the open road, great.

I think the same thing applies to business. If you can find something to be passionate about with your business it is much easier to do every day. Personally, I love working with beginners in the gym. I love seeing that spark of someone finding success in something they once feared. Find something that you can look forward to doing “Everlong” and success will come with it.

Corey Davis is the owner and head trainer at Core Blend Training and Wellness. He holds a Master of Science in Kinesiology and Bachelor of Science in Health and Physical Education, both from the University of Georgia. He holds a certification in Speed and Explosion from NASE, and is both a CPPS and CFPS certified coach. Corey’s clients include elite high school, college and professional athletes and individuals looking to improve overall health, fitness, and wellness. www.coreblendtraining.com

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Why the Business Practice Playlist? Where some people find romantic inspiration or work out motivation in music, voiceover talent Kelley Buttrick finds business wisdom in the words. Fortunately, her creative and successful business friends do too, hence the birth of the Business Practice Playlist. In this blog, DJs spin experience and advice for fellow music lovers working in creative fields.

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