(706) 453-6005 kb@kbvoiceovers.com
Business Practice Playlist

Santa’s Lost His Mojo

Performed by: Jeremy Lister
DJ: Kelley Buttrick, voiceover talent and owner of KB Voiceovers


Finding Your Mojo Amid Holiday Chaos
Ways to Keep Your Business Jolly

Are you feeling overworked like Santa in Jeremy Lister’s song “Santa’s Lost His Mojo?”

You know it’s coming … Marketing departments are trying to max out their budgets before the end the year, products have to be on shelves in time for the Christmas rush, deadlines loom before everyone leaves for vacation. These are all major stressors; so, plan ahead. Break down your big projects into bite-sized tasks, then make a to-do list (and check it twice) working backward from your deadline and assign due dates for each one.

As Lister sings, sometimes we all need a helping hand. If the holiday season is a busy time for you, you might want to consider hiring some help like a virtual assistant or someone to take the burden of shipping, proofreading, handwriting holiday cards, etc. In hectic times, focus on what you do well and outsource what you don’t or don’t have time to do.

Helping someone else is a sure-fire ticket to lifting not just other people’s spirits, but also your own (in addition to keeping you on Santa’s Nice List). This is true not just over the holiday season but in any season. Here are some ways to get out and do some good:

  • Donate toys to charity
  • Serve at a local food pantry or homeless shelter
  • Ask your local school if there’s a family who could use some financial help
  • Send cards to troops overseas away from their families
  • Practice random acts of kindness like paying for the coffee ordered by the car behind you in the drive-thru
  • Drop off goodies for those who have to work over the holidays, like emergency responders, restaurant servers, on-air personalities, call center staff, etc.
  • Donate your talents by entertaining seniors at an elder care home

How do you find your mojo during the holiday season?

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Why the Business Practice Playlist? Where some people find romantic inspiration or work out motivation in music, voiceover talent Kelley Buttrick finds business wisdom in the words. Fortunately, her creative and successful business friends do too, hence the birth of the Business Practice Playlist. In this blog, DJs spin experience and advice for fellow music lovers working in creative fields.

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